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  • Spamming
  • Cyberstalking
  • Cyberbullying



    Spam means sending unsolicited bulk emails indiscriminately. It is performed for flooding the user's inbox with unwanted advertisements and messages. Apart from advertisements, some spams act as a carrier of malware. Its main goal is to spread malware, such as viruses and worms in, a computer system. Spams waste the network bandwidth as well as the receiver's time.

    Spamming can be inflicted in any of the following forms:
    1. Email spoofing: It refers to an act of fraudulent emailing with a forged sender address. It is a popular tactic used in phishing. The sender intentionally do it to create an illusion that the email is sent by some legitimate sources but is sent by a cybercriminal. The motive behind email spoofing is malicious, like spreading malware into the system or to gain sensitive personal details.
    2. Email bombing: It refers to sending bulky emails repeatedly to a particular address in a short period of time. The motive behind email bombing is to overflow a user's inbox.
    3. Flooding: It refers to the process of posting the same piece of text multiple times.



    There are more than 5billion internet users across the world. This increase in the number of internet users has increased cybercrimes related to harassing people.
    Cyberstalking is one of them. Cyberstalking refers to a crime in which the cyberstalker harasses a victim( can be a group, an organization, or an individual) by using the internet or a computer. Cyberstalking is also known as e-stalking. The main goal of a cyber cyberstalker is to manipulate and control the victim. The cyberstalker may be an online stranger or a person known to the victim.



    The word bullying means repeated behavior that is intended to hurt someone emotionally or physically. Cyberbullying refers to the act of harassing, embarrassing, threatening, or targeting a person using a computer and the Internet. Cyberbullying is also known as cyber harassment or online bullying. It is more common among teenagers.